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Fantastic Four, Vol. 1 #367 - By Reed...Betrayed
Importance Rating: 2.0 out of 10
Penciler(s): Paul Ryan
Writer(s): Tom DeFalco
Release Date: August 1992
Variant Covers: A. Newsstand Edition
Trade Prints: None.
Fun Facts: None.
Comic Summary: As Mr. Fantastic calls all of earth's heroes together to Four Fredoms Plaza for a meeting, Sue realizes that there is something terribly wrong with her husband (he was replaced by an evil doppelganger last issue); After a tense meeting with Shary, the Thing battles his own evil double and triumphs only with a little help from the Puppet Master; At the superhero summit, a battle breaks out as Mr. Fantastic and Iron Man are revealed as imposters; Reed detonates a Gamma Bomb in order to kill everyone.

Fantastic Four, Vol. 3 #27 - Say What?
Importance Rating: 1.0 out of 10
Penciler(s): Salvador Larroca
Writer(s): Chris Claremont
Release Date: March 2000
Variant Covers: A. Newsstand Edition
Trade Prints: None.
Fun Facts: Gambit is only on the cover, not in the storyline.
Comic Summary: The news that the Invisible Woman of the Fantastic Four is going to marry Doctor Doom has made front page news. The announcement has rocked the super-hero community as well as government officials. As the entire world watches for developments, the one question on everyone's mind is: what happened to Reed Richards? Nobody except the Fantastic Four are aware that Reed has recently been trapped in the armor of Doctor Doom. Inside his lab within Pier Four Reed has discovered one set back: thanks to Doom's armor he has no access to any of his files or experiments. As much as he is locked into Doom's armor, he is locked out of his own work. Hacking into the armor he begins trying to break himself free. He enters a virtual simulation which simulates Reed himself being trapped in Doctor Doom's castle as a representation of himself trying to break free from Doom's armor. Trapped in a dungeon, Reed improvises a laser weapon to cut through the stone of his cell into the moat. However when he breaks free and swims to the surface, he finds himself still trapped in Doom's armor, making the entire experiment a failure.

Fortnite x Marvel: Zero War #3 - Untitled
Importance Rating: 2.0 out of 10
Penciler(s): Sergio Fernandez Davila
Writer(s): Donald Mustard, Christos Gage
Release Date: 2022
Variant Covers: None
Trade Prints: Fortnite x Marvel: Zero War
Fun Facts: Gambit does not appear in the comic, he is only featured on the Derrick Chew Variant cover, shown here.
Comic Summary: The return of an unlikely ally brings Iron Man and the Foundation closer to their goal. Meanwhile, it's an all-out brawl against Stegron and his dinosaur hybrids in the Savage Land as the hunt for the Zero Shard heats up! But Stegron's not the only villain interested in the Zero Shard... Each first print issue contains a redeemable code to unlock a bonus digital cosmetic in Fortnite! See issue for details.

Fox International Promotional Mini Comic - Untitled
Importance Rating: 2.0 out of 10
Penciler(s): Various
Writer(s): Various
Release Date: 2011
Variant Covers: None.
Trade Prints: None.
Fun Facts: Distributed only in the United Kingdom in conjunction with the release of Fox's X-Men First Class Movie. Reprints X-Men Odd Men Out (2008) #1
Comic Summary: Featuring two never-before-seen stories illustrated by the late, legendary Dave Cockrum. First up, relive the history of the X-Men, as recounted by Professor X and his old friend, former FBI Agent Fred Duncan. Then, the New Mutants - Rictor, Boom Boom, Cannonball, Rusty, Skids, Sunspot and Wolvesbane - face off against the Mad Thinker.
