Donyell Taylor, Night Thrasher
Current Status
New Warriors
First Official Appearance
Night Thrasher #3
First Appearance Together
Gambit , Volume 4 #11
Powers & Genetics
Mutant Human, Bioelectrical Powers
Earth 616
The following characters are also associated with Bandit:
Belladonna Boudreaux
Noreen Tanaka
Donyell Taylor is the product of a one night stand between his unnamed mother and Daryl Taylor, father of Dwayne Taylor. Daryl Taylor was a rich business man who had turned the inheritance from the deaths of his parents into a hundred times the amount he was given. With it he set up charitable foundations like the Taylor Foundation. Daryl had been married to Dwayne's mother Melody since they were 18 years old. Daryl met Donyell's mother while at the bar in the Fairmont Hotel in Chicago. Daryl paid Donyell's mother a check worth six figures to keep quiet of their affair after she revealed she was pregnant. Donyell resented Dwayne for having the money and the family he never had. Dwayne resented the notion that his life was somehow any better because he barely remembered his parents who were murdered by Silhouette's father Andrew Chord. Donyell took the name Bandit and began targeting Night Thrasher's old foes to prove he was superior to Dwayne. Dwayne would later endure a severe beating at Bandit's hands.[2] Later wanting a rematch, Bandit abducts Silhouette keeping her tied to a chair under blinding lights in order to lure Dwayne into a confrontation, but Dwayne wins the rematch.[3] Donyell begins sleeping with Silhouette soon afterwards. When Night Thrasher, Silhouette, and various other members of the New Warriors are sent back in time Donyell joins Hindsight Lad, Sprocket, and his father's killer Andrew Chord in creating a new team of New Warriors to save the originals. The team consisted of Bandit, Hindsight Lad, Turbo, Darkhawk, Dagger, and Powerpax. Donyell later comes to terms with his half-brother, finding common ground during their battle against the Sphinx when the Warriors were returned to the proper time period.
Bandit and Gambit first met when they both tried to steal the same rifle from a museum. Come to find out he was Belladonna's new boyfriend.
Bandit was angry when Remy came back to town since he felt he had control over the Guilds at the time and thought Remy might be back in New Orleans to take his rightful place as leader. He went into partnership with Noreen Tanaka to get rid of Remy behind Bella Donna's back.
It took some convincing, but Gambit finally got Bella Donna to come around to Bandit's real intentions. Remy and Bella Donna foiled Bandit's and Tanaka's plan to take over the Guilds, getting the two evil doers arrested.
The following titles will catch you up on the history of Bandit and Gambit.
Gambit, Vol 4 #11 - Gambit, Vol 4 #12

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