X-Men Origins: Wolverine was released to theaters in May of 2009. Gambit was played by Taylor Kitsch.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine was released on DVD, 3 Disc Special Edition, and 2 Disc Bluray Edition on September 15th, 2009.
Before the release of the Logan movie in 2016, Wal-Mart rereleased the X-Men movies on DVD and Blu-Ray with an exclusive
sticker collection, including a Gambit sticker.
In 2014 an announcement came that a Gambit stand alone film was in the works, after over a year of rumors and interviews with the star Channing Tatum, but even with some cast chosen, many set backs with director dropouts and script rewrites postponed the film to the point the the original release date was canceled. This put the fate of the film into limbo with little hope that it would continue.
Finally, in 2017, news that the film was back on the books. With a new director, Gore Verbinski, known for the original three Pirates of the Caribbean films and Cure for Wellness, on board, a release date of Valentines Day 2019, and the announcement of Jenny Beavan, the Oscar winning costume designer of Mad Max: Fury Road, the hope for a feature film was reignited. Rumored storyline is based on the origins story of Gambit before his time with the X-Men. It will cover his time with the Thieves Guild and his early times with Mr. Sinister. The movie has said to include the characters from Gambit's past, like Bella Donna and Mr. Sinister, along with added characters pulled from other movies in the franchise, like New Mutants, which releases before the Gambit film. No actors have been hired for the other characters, but Channing Tatum is still in for the Gambit himself.
In 2019, after Disney acquiring the rights to the X-Men movie rights, the Gambit solo movie was cancelled. Stating the reason that there are plans that the X-Men would be brought into the MCU, this film did not fit in with the plans.
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