Bishop: "Remy?"
Gambit: "Did you jus' call me "Remy"?! Not Gambit. Not LeBeau. For de first time since you dropped into dis century you called me Remy. You tryin' to make me blush?"
(Uncanny X-Men #334)
Gambit: "Just when I was afraid de only reason ya asked me to come along is my irresistible animal magnetism."
Jean: Don't push it, Cajun.
Gambit: "Who, me?"
(Uncanny X-Men #333)
Gambit: "Stormy, we have got to stop meetin' like dis. Folks, dey'll talk.
Storm: "Use that name one more time and I shall give folks something to talk about."
(Uncanny X-Men #383)
Professor: "I did not believe anyone would mind if I used my psychic powers to insinuate myself into this life-affirming display of social interaction."
Gambit: "Could you make ‘Basketball' sound anymore clinical, homme?"
Professor: I am certian I could. If I tried."
(Uncanny X-Men #390)
Gambit: "As I always suspected...redheads, they have a dynamite kiss"
Cyclops: At your own risk, my friend."
Jean: "I must confess, infuriating and arrogant as Gambit can be...those eyes, that grin, the body...it takes a girl's breath away."
Cyclops: "Oh, really? When next the opportunity presents itself remind me to drop a truck on him.
Professor X: "Cyclops!"
Cyclops: " A big truck."
Professor X: "Cyclops!"
Cyclops: "A REALLY big truck."
(X-Men #1)
Bishop: "I owe you an apology, Remy."
Gambit: "Don't bother, Mon Ami."
Bishop: "I just have one of those personalities people find suspicious. Take comfort in de small certainties, Bishop. You'll always be a ravin' paranoid and I'm always gonna be a charmin' louse."
(Uncanny X-Men #335)
Gambit: "See, Magneto, right? So why's everybody callin' him Joseph? What is dat all about? Maybe I should just start callin' myself somethin' different. James. Gambit? No, I'm James."
(Uncanny X-Men #337)
Beast: "Anyone object to a round of grace?"
Iceman: "Go ahead, Hank."
Hank: "Um...In words of one syllable: Thanks for everything. Amen."
Gambit: "Dat was three syl..."
Wolverine: "Clam it, Cajun."
Jean: "Gambit, don't you dare throw that pancake!"
(Uncanny X-Men #337)
Rusty Collins: "Who's there...?!"
Gambit: "Uhm...Avon callin'. How ‘bout some make-up t' cover up that black eye?"
Rusty Collins: "What black eye?"
Gambit: "The one y' gonna have for sure if you don' give up right now, boy."
(X-Men #25)
Gambit: "A plasma rifle ‘gainst a boysenberry pie? Can you find the crazed psychopath in this picture?"
(X-Men #8)
Wolverine: "So yer the skirt that tamed the Cajun?"
Bella Donna: "Housebroke to be more acc'rate"
Gambit: "Nice t'see everyone's havin' their ha-ha's at my expense."
(X-Men #8)
Gambit: "We did some of dat overreaction stuff, hah?"
Wolverine: "You might say that, LeBeau. You might say that."
(Wolverine #87)
Gambit: "Where'd you get dat extra bio-energy?
Bishop: "I stored it. Where'd you hide the bo-staff?
Gambit: "Don't ask if y'don't want to know."
(X-Men #46)
Yukio: "You'll at least drop me off at the airport?"
Gambit: "Yeah...I know just de runway."
(Uncanny #313)
Gambit: "Fin'ly. I knew if I wore dis trench coat long enough...It'd event'ly come in handy."
(Uncanny #337)
Storm: "No Fear, Gambit, I have you."
Gambit: "Stormy, we got to stop meetin' like dis. Folks, dey'll talk."
Storm: "Use that name one more time and I shall give folks something to talk about."
(Uncanny #383)
Sage: "Didn't I shoot you?"
Gambit: "Dead center. Good t'ing I wear X-Men body armor. Better ‘ting, you didn'taim for my head."
Sage: "Such a handsome head. Who could bear to spoil it?"
(X-treme X-Men #45)
Gambit: "Psychologist?"
Brother Voodoo: "In out brief time together, I've seen evidence of a personality type that is narcissistic, kletomaniacal, pathological, adrenaline-addicted, anti-athority, and given to reckless suicidal tendencies. No offense to you, Remy. But a super hero that moonlights as a thief? Dude...you have issues!"
(Gambit OG 2 #12)
Gambit: "Cher, dis is de beginnin' of a glorious friendship"
Bishop: "Indeed. Then it would be a shame to start it me breaking your arm, eh? And one more thing Remy... don't call me "Cher"."
(Gambit & Bishop: Sons of the Atom #6)


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