All the basic information and stats of Remy LeBeau, Gambit of the X-Men and Thieves Guild. All his personal information, alias, and more. A history breakdown from birth to current. A list of all his alternative universe selves, along with images of that universes' Gambit.
An image breakdown of the LeBeau family tree, the family that Gambit was adopted into in his youth. Also, a current breakdown of the Unified Guild of New Orleans, where they stood after the joining of the Thieves Guild and Assassins Guild of New Orleans, before Remy's leaving.
A very detail history of Gambit's relationships with friends, past lovers, teammates, enemies, and family that are the closest to him. Each person is broke down in chronological order, with images and comic pages. Be warned this area may contain spoilers.
A history of all the uniform changes Gambit has gone through in the last twenty-plus years. Including the costumes from alternate universes and times. Complete with issue listings and images.
Everyone knows that Gambit's choice in items to charge are his playing cards, but what about all the other random items he has picked up and used as explosives? Here they are! Everything Gambit has picked up in a pinch and used his mutant abilities on.
Gambit is an X-Man, a hero of mutant kind, but he is also a Master Thief. A very good one at that. He has stolen a lot of things through the years. Some for the good of mankind, but a just to scratch the itch to steal something he is not suppose to touch. Here's the list!
Gambit is snarky and charming, mix that with his irresistible Cajun accent and you get some doozies in the quote department. Here are just a few of his bests.
A lot of Gambit's speech comes from the Cajun French, and depending on the writer of the comic, other dialects, but mainly some fancy French is thrown in there for spice. Here are some translation to phrases Gambit uses often in the comics.
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